Awareness, Access and Change

Dublin Core


Awareness, Access and Change


White teacher at the blackboard teaching Black Deaf pupils in their classroom.
Black teacher doing speech training to five Black Deaf pupils as they wear headphones in unison.
Ten Black Deaf female pupils in dresses pose together for a photo.
A smiling man sits with tele-type with a phone attached to it.
A woman types on a Porta-Printer TTY with a phone handset in the coupler.
A man is sitting what appears to be a desk corner in a kitchen - he's using a TTY. There are some papers and a fax machine on the desk as well.
Female teacher wearing a headset teaches a female child with a book as the mother watches.
Black female teacher is with her Black Deaf male child in classroom. He is wearing large hearing aids.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson signs a paper with people behind him. They are in the Rose Garden at the White House.
A female interpreter signs next to Senator Ted Kennedy who is in front of a microphone.
An interpreter voicing for Jerry Covell and Tim Rarus at the footsteps of Chapel Hall during Deaf President Now.
Deaf-blind visitor is using tactile, hand-on-hand, interpreting. The deaf-blind man is Art Roehrig and the interpreter is Jean Lindquist Bergey.
Black interpreter in the foreground while a white woman is singing on the stage in the background.
Three images: a boy with Cochlear Implant talking with a teacher, a medical drawing of inner ear, and a close-up view of cochlear implant behind the ear and a wire attached to the head.
A pink button saying "Stop the Cochlear Madness by The Bicultural Center" and another white button that says "I love (heart shape) my Cochlear Implant." by Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.
A woman types on a keyboard while watching captioned television.
Two captioning operators sit at the table with monitors as they check on real-time captioning projected on the screen.
Photo of a captioning decoder on top of a television as Peter Jennings of ABC News is depicted in the TV monitor.
A woman at a protest holds a sign reading "CBS: We Want Captions."
Group of deaf people sitting on couches as they chat and watch home movies.
Student holds a sign "Honk 4 Deaf Prez" and stands in the front of the 8th Street/Florida entrance of Gallaudet.
Many students at the edge of barriers signing/shouting in unison.
Dr. I. King Jordan, with his wife Linda Jordan in front of many microphones at the footsteps of Chapel Hall.
Protestors wave colored flags at the Capitol building with a banner reading Deaf President Now.
Many diverse protesters of disabilities marching on the streets holding signs.
Dr. I. King Jordan speaks at a podium in front of the west side of the U.S. Capitol while diverse people with disabilities rally behind him.
A headshot of William Stokoe while he looks at a photo negatives viewer.
Number three handshape sideways as if it depicts a vehicle.



“Awareness, Access and Change,” National Deaf Life Museum, accessed May 17, 2024,

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