Women's Lives


Gallaudet Health Center, c. 1960. Courtesy of Gallaudet University Archives.

Deaf women bring an uncommon perspective, linguistically and culturally, to the healthcare system. Due to linguistic and educational differences, some don't understand medical vocabulary or the need for medications or procedures.

Infrequent use of interpreters and lack of explanations by doctors contribute to their frustration. With improved accessibility and intervention strategies, deaf women become more able to advocate for themselves.


American Cancer Society workshop, n.d. Courtesy of Gallaudet Archives.

Like hearing mothers, Deaf women raise their children by supporting their personal growth, protecting them, and using discipline.

Being deaf also adds to their role as parents, as they pass on a love of Deaf culture and sign language. Some Deaf mothers also experience discriminationf rom those who deem them unable to raise children as well as hearing mothers.


Dorothy Miles, painting by Nancy Rourke, 2011. Used by permission of the artist.

Deaf women have also been prominent in the fields of art and literature. Dorothy Miles, '61, became a key figure in sign language poetry, bridging the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities.


Women's Fair, 1984. Courtesy of Gallaudet University Archives.

Deaf women have long sought community, and in 1985 Deaf Women United (DWU) was founded to support deaf women with diverse and varied backgrounds.

DWU seeks to bring accomplishments of deaf women tot he public, and celebrate the "everyday" deaf woman. Since its founding, DWU has expanded its goals to include not only recognition of diversity of Deaf women, but to examine the intersectionality present in every Deaf woman's life. The Deaf Women of Color organization, founded in 2005, expands on DWU's goals to examine intersectionality by producing a regular conference to further educate under-represented women about community advocacy. DWOC also offers scholarships to young deaf women of color.

Women's Lives