Ways to Be Involved

Share your personal film, photo or document with an archive.

Your story is important too -- please consider donating materials you have to an archive -- either your school, a local library, or to Gallaudet University Archives. If possible, copy the materials and place them in more than one archive.

Gallaudet University Archives welcomes all contributions on Deaf history and Deaf life. Please send materials to:

Gallaudet University Archives
800 Florida Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002

Archives Contact: archives@gallaudet.edu

Take steps to preserve the archival material you have.

Films, photographs and documents decay more quickly than we think. Historic films shrink, warp and peel so that salvaging them can be an expensive and time consuming prospect -- if it can be done at all. VHS materials made just a decade ago are stretching to the point that they cannot be viewed. Appropriate storage and duplication of materials is critical to ensure that Deaf history, particularly filmed signed is preserved.

Document your story

If you have not shared your personal story in text or film, please consider doing so now. As we presented clips from the "Through Deaf Eyes" documentary around the country we were amazed at the number of people who came up afterwards to share their story of being "healed" by an airplane flight or sealed in a steam box to "open their ears." Profound stories of experiences relating to family life, school, work and community connections abound. If this film reminded you of an experience you want to share, please make an effort to get your story filmed -- in any format possible -- so that your personal Deaf history becomes part of the permanent record.

Support history preservation

Please consider supporting the preservation and presentation of historic materials. Film and photograph restoration work costs a remarkable amount. For example, one 17 minute film that was recently restored cost over $1600 to copy. It had to be "softened" so that it could run through a projector without disintegrating. Every bit of support helps as we work to preserve a cherished history.  For more information on ways to support Gallaudet see: Ways to Give.