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Small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis). From Economically Important Foreign Weeds, USDA, 1976.

Regina Olson grew up in rural Nebraska. She became deaf as a teenager, and learned sign language when she came to Gallaudet at 19 years old. She graduated in 1918, completed a Master’s degree in 1920, and married Frederick H. Hughes, ’13, in 1923. They lived in House #2 (Ballard House) for over 30 years.


Growing at Gallaudet
Name: Purple-heart spiderwort (Tradescantia pallida)
Family: Commelinaceae (Spiderworts, dayflowers)
Native region: Northeast Mexico
Recorded: 1907
Growing tips: Commonly used for decorative purposes, grow in full sun for rich purple color. Drought-tolerant, fertilize monthly. Best for mild climates, keep inside during winters.

Hughes attended art school before coming to Gallaudet. Do you think sighted Deaf people are better at visual arts than sighted hearing people?