Left Behind: HIV/AIDS and the Deaf Community

AIDS may no longer be considered a national crisis, but for many years it had a devastating impact on the LGBTQ+ community, deaf and hearing alike. Today, many people don't realize that during its peak years, AIDS destroyed an entire generation. Even as shows like Pose depict the traumatic experience of the hearing community, the deaf community's suffering - due to lack of access to information, accommodations, and stigma - continues to be overlooked. Little research has been done on the deaf community and HIV/AIDS, forcing deaf activists to figure out prevention, treatment, and care on their own.

This exhibition gives visitors a better understanding of the magnitude of the crisis through the AIDS quilt, and explores the impact it had on the deaf community, especially our deaf LGBTQ+ community members who died as result of the US government's neglect.

Please be aware this exhibition contains content that may be upsetting to some visitors.

A collage of people's faces, most smiling and laughing. They are a variety of races and ages. Most are young men, but there are a few women.