Names Poem


these are the names

names that I once knew

as I stand before

watching the colorful squares


on the grass far

too many are dying…

whispering from the bottom of

my soul

so many names to say

so many names to pray

it’s taking my toll

AIDS has seized them all away

like one candle blowing away

why can’t we be sure if there’s

a cure to help heal them all?

why can’t we call and ask for


saying them is so hard

so many names to say

so many names to pray

the feeling’s so strong!

why not be sure to find that

damn cure? Help heal them


Why don’t we stop stalling!

Demand our call!

please help us, heal us from

all the pain

give us all the comforts

give us all the strength

to live one day at a time

teach them all…

do it small

before you know it,

it reaches out to everyone…

…takes one day at a time.

© Mikey Krajnak, 1995

A block of eight quilt panels. Some are for individuals: Sam Edwards, Chris Covey, John Smith, John Canady, and FDR. Others are for groups of people including "in memory of deafs with AIDS."
A block of eight quilt panels. Individuals include Jovan Ryg, Bob Fatone, Pulbo, and Joey Hines. Groups feature two, four, or more names.
A block of eight quilt panels. Individuals include Joseph Hines, Michael Jolliffe, Ryan White, Dale Ice, and Greg Clark. Others are for groups, including a panel with six names and the interpreter symbol.
A block of eight quilt panels. Four are deaf, shown by symbols on the panels: Julio Genao, Gary Dalton, Bob Allis, and Donald Parodi. The others are for names that are not on the Deaf Lost to AIDS list.